To preface, I’d say I’m a relatively fit person. I wouldn’t call myself a “gym rat” with a super muscular body type, but I do make an effort to lift weights a couple of times a week, and I regularly go on runs to stay active. I’m 5’5” and around 115 lbs, which I’ve always considered an acceptable weight for my height.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for about six months. For a bit of context, we’re both East Asian, but I was born and raised in Canada, so I guess I’m a bit more “local” or “whitewashed,” while he’s an international student who came here a couple of years ago. We started dating through mutual friends, and he was the one who pursued me in the beginning. My primary language is English, but we communicate in Chinese since that's what he's comfortable with. Thus, a lot of what I'm saying here is translated into English.
I want to believe he’s supportive of me, and for the most part, he is. He really has been an amazing boyfriend and does all the right things. But there have been some things he’s said or done that I’m honestly confused about. For example, he’s never directly criticized my body, but he’s made some comments that have thrown me off. A while back, he told me I have “a lot of meat” on me than other girls back in his home country. I honestly had no idea how to take that. I mean, I’ve never thought of myself as someone with a lot of “meat” — I have some muscle, sure, but I’m generally on the slim side. Even now, I’m still not sure if that was meant as a compliment or some kind of subtle critique.
But then, there are other times he’s more direct about his opinions on small things like what I eat. If we’re out at a restaurant, he’ll make little comments like, “Maybe you shouldn’t order that,” or “Let’s split this,” and he oftentimes tries to portion out my food for me and stops me from eating the entire meal. He’s also lightly suggested that I should “go on a diet” a couple of times, which catches me off guard because I genuinely thought I was already eating pretty well. He's never enforced it directly, but expressed it as a soft piece of advice. I have always been very health-conscious and already avoid lots of processed or otherwise "unhealthy" foods. I know I’m not alone in seeing these as red flags, but he always frames it like he’s just “looking out for me” and my health. Sometimes, when I wear a tighter skirt, it leaves faint red marks that fade after a bit. He never misses a chance to point them out, saying things like, "Is the skirt really that tight on you?" with a judgmental tone.
I've always known that he values a person's looks, but we've stayed in a relationship for months, and he was the one who pursued me, so I always thought he was ultimately happy with who I am as a person.
The conversation that really left me confused happened recently at a restaurant on my birthday. We had decided to go out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate my birthday one-on-one. It started when we were looking at the menu, and I was excited to order a steak I’d been craving. But as soon as I mentioned it, he immediately said, “Are you sure you want to get that? Maybe you should go for something lighter, like a salad.” I brushed it off at first, thinking maybe he was just trying to be health-conscious again, but he kept pushing, saying things like, “You should be careful with what you eat, don’t you think?” It was frustrating, especially because I was looking forward to the steak, but he kept insisting I should choose something less heavy. I raised my tone a little bit, but honestly, I just didn't have the patience to deal with it that day and your girl really really just wanted some STEAK.
I finally couldn’t take it anymore and bluntly told him that if he had such an issue with what I wanted to eat or my weight, then maybe we shouldn’t be dating. He didn’t even seem phased by it, almost like he was expecting me to be okay with it. He casually leaned back in his chair and said, “Well, I usually prefer girls who weigh between 45 kg and 48 kg, because that’s what looks right for someone your height. It’s just the ideal weight for you.” He said it so matter-of-factly, almost like he was giving me some kind of advice, as if it was completely normal for me to fall into those exact numbers.
I was absolutely floored. The way he said it, it was like my body wasn’t even good enough the way it was. I didn’t even know how to respond, because I’ve always thought of myself as healthy. I work hard to stay fit, and I’ve even had people tell me I’m on the slimmer side, so to hear him casually lay out such a specific and insulting weight preference felt like a slap in the face. It was like he was saying I wasn’t attractive or worthy of his affection unless I dropped down to a weight that was basically below what’s considered healthy for my height. I was so shocked, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around how cold and critical he was being. I also struggled a lot with an eating disorder in my *****s, so hearing this just completely threw me off the rails and I felt devastated.
At that point, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was so hurt and frustrated. I told him, “If I’m not your ideal girl, then maybe you shouldn’t date me. If I’m too heavy for you, maybe we should just break up.” I was so upset, and honestly, I didn’t know what else to say. I felt like I was being treated like I wasn’t good enough the way I was.
When I asked him why he’d be dating me then, if he preferred girls with that specific body type. He just shrugged and said, "Because you're a pretty girl". But then he added, almost as an afterthought, that I was still “a little too chubby for my liking”. It was like a punch in the gut. I’ve never thought of myself as chubby before, and hearing it from someone I care about just made it worse. Then, to top it off, he asked if I’d ever consider losing a couple of pounds.
I told him how his comments were making me feel awful about myself and how I couldn’t believe he was judging me like this. I stood up, grabbed my things, and walked out of the restaurant.
Since then, he’s been blowing up my phone with messages and calls, apologizing, but honestly, I’m still so angry and hurt. He says that I'm overreacting and that he's trying to make me the best version of myself. I don’t know if he genuinely understands why his words were so damaging or if he’s just trying to avoid a confrontation. I’m really unsure about where we stand right now. Should I have been more patient with him?
Are his standards normal? Do all guys think this way? Or is it just him? He's really been an amazing boyfriend apart from this, and I don't know if I'm overreacting or if this is something that is worth breaking up over.